徐友龙 |
2003-至今 教授,博士生导师 红足—世足球网 电子科学与技术系
2001-2002 访问教授 日本东京工业大学,
2001-至今 教授(破格晋升) 红足—世足球网 电子科学与技术系
1997-2001 副教授 红足—世足球网 电子科学与技术系
1989-1997 助教、讲师 红足—世足球网 电子科学与技术系
1.国家863计划项目,高介纳米复合氧化膜的制备与应用关键技术研究, 235万
2.国家863计划项目,高功率聚合物超级电容器材料研究, 100万
3.国家863计划项目,铝基高介铁电复合氧化膜制备与性能研究, 60万
4.863成果转化-企业横向合作项目,髙介复合氧化膜化成技术, 200万
5.国防预研探索重点项目,XXX电容器材料研究, 270万
8.博士点基金优先资助项目,“石墨烯纳米调控聚吡咯薄膜的微观结构及其电化学性能” 40万
9.陕西省重点产业创新链项目,新能源汽车用动力电池高电压正极材料的开发与产业化, 120万
10. 教育部青年教师奖成果转化-企业横向合作项目,高性能固体片式铝电解电容器, 343万
11.企业横向合作项目,低压髙介复合氧化膜化成技术, 260万
12.企业横向合作项目,动力电池氟磷酸钒锂正极材料中试生产技术, 300万
以第一作者或通讯作者在ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces、Journal of Materials Chemistry A、Carbon、Journal of Power Sources、Electrochemistry Communications、Journal of the American Ceramic Society等国际著名期刊发表学术论文150多篇,被SCI论文他引1700多次,被ESI高引(全球1前%)论文3篇。获国家科技进步三等奖1项(第一完成人),教育部科技进步一等奖1项(第一完成人)。取得授权发明专利12项,公开发明专利8项。多项成果成功转化用于企业生产,产生了显著的经济和社会效益。
1.Yuan Zhang, Youlong Xu*, Jianbo Zhu, et al. Electrochemically exfoliated high-yield graphene in ambient temperature molten salts and its application for flexible solid-state supercapacitors, Carbon, 127, 2018, 392-403.
2.Yanjun Chen, Youlong Xu*, Xiaofei Sun, et al.Effect of Al substitution on the enhanced electrochemical performance and strong structure stability of Na3V2(PO4)3/C composite cathode for sodium-ion batteries, Journal of Power Sources, 375, 2018, 82-92.
3.Long Li, Youlong Xu*,Xiaofei Sun, et al. High capacity-favorable tap density cathode material based on three-dimensional carbonous framework supported Na3V2(PO4)2F3 nanoparticles, Chemical Engineering Journal, 331, 2018, 712-719.
4.Jianbo Zhu, Youlong Xu*, Yuan Zhang, et al. Porous and high electronic conductivity nitrogen-doped nano-sheet carbon derived from polypyrrole for high-power supercapacitors, Carbon, 107, 2016, 638-645.
5.Xiangfei Meng, Youlong Xu*, Xiaofei Sun, et al.Nitrogen-doped graphene assists Fe2O3 in enhancing electrochemical performance, Journal of Power Sources, 326, 2016, 389-396.
6.Tianyu Feng, Youlong Xu*, Zhengwei Zhang,et al.Low-Cost Al2O3 Coating Layer as a Preformed SEI on Natural Graphite Powder to Improve Coulombic Efficiency and High-Rate Cycling Stability of Lithium-Ion Batteries, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 8, 2016, 6512–6519.
7.Xiangfei Meng,Youlong Xu*, Xiaofei Sun,et al.Graphene oxide sheets-induced growth of nanostructured Fe3O4 for a high-performance anode material of lithium ion batteries. Journal of Materials Chemistry A,3, 2015, 12938-12946.
8.Xiaofei Sun, Youlong Xu*, Peng Ding, et al. The composite sphere of manganese oxide and carbon nanotubes as a prospective anode material for lithium-ion batteries, Journal of Power Sources, 255, 2014, 163-169.
9.Yang Bai, Youlong Xu*, Jie Wang, et al. Interface effect on the electropolymerizedpolypyrrole films with hollow micro/nanohorn arrays,ACS applied materials & interfaces,6,2014, 4693-4704.
10.Xiaofei Sun, Youlong Xu*, Peng Ding, et al.The composite rods of MnO and multi-walled carbon nanotubes as anode materials for lithium ion batteries, Journal of Power Sources, 244, 2013, 690-694.
11.Jie Wang, Youlong Xu*, Feng Yan, et al. Template-free prepared micro/nanostructured polypyrrole with ultrafast charging/discharging rate and long cycle life, Journal of Power Sources, 196, 2011, 2373-2379.
12.Jie Wang, Youlong Xu*, Xi Chen, et al. Capacitance properties of single wall carbon nanotube/polypyrrole composite films, Composites Science and Technology, 67, 2007, 2981-2985.